Saturday 15 October 2011

Poker Update - Stick to the Plan!!

Just time for a quick note on how I've been doing this week.

I've not had much table time, and when I have, I've had mixed results. I've gotten a bit distracted from playing Razz a few times, and they've not been profitable ventures for me!

My overall cash position currently looks like this:-

If I look at my Razz results alone, I get this:-

So I feel like my plan is a good one, but the execution needs some refining!

On the other hand, I did play a very enjoyable session of 8-game, maybe a little bit above my current stakes at $0.20 / $0.40 but poker is supposed to be fun (actually, I'm not sure if maybe that's where I'm going wrong, but for me it is)!

I'm gonna concentrate concentrate on Razz for the next week. I've got a small stakes home game on Monday evening, and the Hendon Mob Forum League 8 game on Tuesday, so all-in-all a good week to look forward to.

I'm hoping to post another rambling article on playing Razz at some point soon - starting hand selection, if I can make any sense of my own playing notes!

Mr. Green

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