Wednesday 26 October 2011

Happy Post!

I played my second Hendon Mob Forum League match last night and finished in fourth place again, making back-to-back final tables! That's how it finished, but it started like this...

Armed with a crate of cheap lager, I quickly established an [over-] confident rhythm at my first table. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, until I decided to float jack-high on a king-high flop (a move that was retarded in so many ways) and hit jacks on the turn. I responded maturely to this setback by raise-folding off another sizable chunk of my stack two hands later. So there I was – twenty minutes in, down to 675 chips, and looking very unlikely to make the first break… it all seemed awfully familiar! Fortunately, at this point, I was moved to another table, and decided to take five minutes out for a smoke.

I came back to the table, and hit a very nice run of cards just when I needed them (a set of Aces and quad-Kings is difficult for anyone to go wrong with); and then, before I knew it, it was 9 o’clock and time for the first break. At this point (for some reason), my friend decided to sabotage the whole game, with what can only be likened to a Camberwell Carrot. My Hold ‘em hands started to look like Omaha hands –all of them double paired and soft-focus.

Rooting for Short Guy
I got a bit distracted during the second session, so it seems like a good point to mention my new favourite pastime on Genting Poker - rooting for Short Guy. You know Short Guy – he doesn’t have much to say for himself (it just seems to add gravity to his game) and he has the ‘Sat Out’ avatar. Short Guy was playing outside the box, and was happy to fold premium hands to min-raises out of position. At one point, Short Guy was down to 10 chips and all-in on the blind… five hands later Short Guy had over 300 chips. He tabled 5To to make two-pair; and was even given a walk on his next blind! Short Guy was outplaying us all.

Pikey Stakes Razz
At some point last night, somebody asked me if I was still playing ‘Pikey stakes Razz’ (I am, although I hadn’t realised it until then!) It feels good to be known for something – everyone needs a speciality! Keeping to the spirit of my new-found focus, I’m setting myself the highly-aspirational target of moving up to Doley-stakes Razz ™ before the end of November… it won’t be long before I’m having a nosebleed!

Mr. Green

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