Thursday 17 March 2011

Flat Line Time

I think I've now recovered from the lows and highs of the past fortnight!

However, they do leave me with a bit of a problem. My bust-out wasn't recorded on Hold'em Manager as [cheapskate that I am] I only have the small stakes version - probably a hint that I ought to stick at small stakes for now! My tournament result from this week isn't recorded either, as it was a H.O.R.S.E. game rather than Hold'em.

I've been umm'ing and ahh'ing about whether I should just continue my progress from before or begin anew; and I've decided it's probably less misleading to start from scratch.

So... it's off to [micro] cash tables for me. Next time I'll provide an update on my progress and look more closely at the positional aspects of my play.

Mr. Green

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